For Aussie Men On the Brink of Separation antd About to Lose the Love of Their Life



Leading Behavioural Expert Reveals How THIS WORKS Even if She’s Called It Quits…

is Ignoring You Completely… or Has Already Left You for Another BLOKE.



  • How to use the “Relationship Recharge Formula” and get her back in your arms FOR GOOD. And it’s proven to work even if you’re already separated and she’s with another man.

  • A personalised “3-Step Game Plan” to win her back. Deal with conflicts, regain her respect, and reignite her intimacy for YOU once again. It’s simple enough for ANY man to follow and see results in the next 6 weeks or less.

  • The ‘hidden problems’ that’s causing your relationship to fail. Once I uncover them for you, you’ll finally have 100% clarity and know exactly what to fix.

  • The three biggest roadblocks that are keeping your partner away. Discover how to clear these roadblocks with simple strategies and methods I’ll go through in during the call.

  • How to make your relationship ‘bullet proof’. Even if you had a history of broken promises, conflicts, or infidelity.

  • PLUS more methods, tips, and insights tailor-fit to YOUR situation

FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND: Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected at ALL times. We will NEVER share anything you say in this session to any third party without your consent.



The Relationship Recharge Formula is a simple but counterintuitive approach that will let you revive your failing relationship – starting in the next few days – without having to spend countless hours in painful ‘talk therapy’ or counselling that gets you nowhere.

You’ll achieve this by using a science-backed, tactical method that gives you everything you need to TRULY understand the female mind… which allows you to get back the love of your life faster and without resorting to manipulation, trickery, or risky trial-and-error

Imagine knowing exactly how to avoid the common but fatal mistakes men do that push her away, and doing the right moves in the right order that will start attracting her back to you. You’ll stop any conflict before it begins… earn her respect… and even spark some intimacy back into your relationship.

That’s what the Relationship Recharge Formula will do for you.

And it doesn’t matter if:

  • Every other strategy you tried has failed...

  • There’s been an affair and all trust is lost...

  • She’s given up and you’re the only one trying...

This simple method has been proven to work for ANY man willing enough to try it. See…


Before I developed the Relationship Recharge Formula, I saw so many clueless men who struggled in their relationships fall into what I call the “therapy trap”.

Myself included.

The problem with these approaches is that you’re forced to talk about past problems and open up old wounds. The result is that it just keeps couples on an endless loop of blaming, which actually worsens the problem instead of helping it!

No wonder this backwards approach has been proven to accelerate the separation cycle by 67%, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

So, if you’ve given therapy a shot and it didn’t work out, it’s NOT your fault!

I knew there MUST be a better way.

This led me to question ‘traditional talk-therapy’ and every other ‘sound’ advice, strategy, and methodology out there for fixing relationships and avoiding divorce. I set out to find out exactly what leads men to failed marriages and broken unions.

After months of trial-and-error, testing everything on my once-failing marriage, and talking to dozens of Aussie men – I finally discovered the secret.

A set of tactics, scripts, and methods that any man can use to start “re-attracting” their woman back to them, no matter how much she hates you or says “there’s no chance in hell I’m coming back!”

And I packaged all of these into a simple, step-by-step playbook that any man can use called the “Relationship Recharge Formula”

Now, you have the opportunity to save your own marriage or relationship in the next three months or less using the “Relationship Recharge Formula”

Simply hop on a FREE 20-minute “Relationship Rescue Session” call with me and I’ll guide you through it.

FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND: Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected at ALL times.

We will NEVER share anything you say in this session to any third party without your consent.


From: Leon Sheed, the creator of the “Relationship Recharge Formula” Re: How to finally save your relationship (and why this could be your only way to do it)

Hey mate,

If you’ve read this far and haven’t booked a FREE session with me yet, chances are you’re a bit sceptical.

Well, you have every right to be.

After all, you’ve probably tried everything to fix your relationship – going on couples’ therapy, consulting with a counsellor, or watching endless videos on YouTube. And nothing worked.

So, why should you trust a stranger to help you out?

Well, let me prove to you that I’m the real deal.

Let me show you how the “Relationship Recharge Formula” could help you succeed in rebuilding the love, trust, and passion your wife once had with you… at a time when everything else doesn’t seem to work.

When I first met Zain, he was desperate to win back his wife of nearly two decades – his childhood sweetheart and the love of his life.

Divorce lawyers were already breathing down his neck. There are even talks of handling custody of their children.

Everything he tried has failed. It seemed like an impossible situation.

But just 4 days after he started using the “Relationship Recharge Formula”, his wife magically started to turn around.

She started to open up to Zain… and they started to tackle the hidden problems that have been plaguing their relationship for years.

And before you know it, they’re starting to plan their future again. And she’s looking up to Zain as the leader of the family once again.

Trust me, when I see Zain now, it’s hard to imagine the turmoil he and his wife started with.

Then there’s Also Glen, Who’s Coming Home to His Wife After Being Away for Six Months

It’s been a gruelling time for my mentee Glen, who had to endure being away from his wife and adult kids for nearly half a year.

For him, he just wanted to be with his family again in the house that they built memories in.

That’s why he gave the “Relationship Rescue Formula” a shot.

And now, he’s started to reconcile with his wife, enough to finally live with them again.

Or Geoff, Whose Wife Actually Already Left Him For Another Man

For any man, this might seem like an impossible situation – a “sure deal” path to divorce.

But Geoff stuck through.

And after he used some of the tactics in the “Relationship Recharge Formula”, his wife realised she made a big mistake and moved back in with him.

She was even super apologetic!

Geoff later told me that, “I would have completely fucked it up on my own and driven her further away into him” without getting some guidance.

And These Aussie Men All Did It by Using the Proven Roadmap I’m About to Share with You On Our “Relationship Rescue” Call

But before you book that call, let me introduce myself.

My name is Leon Sheed.

I’m the founder of Relationship Rescue for Men, and over the years I have been helping men prevent separation, get their partners back, and keep their families together without drawn-out traditional therapy methods.

Before I developed the Relationship Recharge Formula, I was deeply immersed in Human Behaviour science and Emotional Intelligence

My initial focus was on helping business owners and employees transform their communications and relationship skills in the workforce.

To everyone who knew me, I was the typical hard-working Aussie husband, driven to build my business empire for the sake of my beloved wife and three children.

However, behind closed doors, my relationship was falling apart.

The long hours at work, travelling and the sacrifices had taken a huge toll on my family.

My wife and I had become so distant that we felt like two ships passing in the night, with my ego steering us towards imminent disaster. The stress and strain of everyday life took a toll on my mental health, leaving me barely holding myself together.

My frustrations spread into my family life, forcing my wife and kids to tiptoe around me, afraid of triggering my anger.

Then one evening, my wife confronted me in the kitchen, confessing that she no longer loved me and needing time and space apart to contemplate our future.

Desperate, I pleaded with her not to leave, promising that things would change this time.

I worked tirelessly to clean up my act, showered her with appreciation and professed my undying love.

My efforts failed to sway my wife until, in a desperate attempt to salvage our marriage, I convinced her to attend couples counselling with me.

That was a BIG mistake.

Speaking with the counsellor only seemed to reinforce her decision to separate from me (I’ll explain why in a moment…)

That was my final straw. I ran out options and didn’t know what to do. I almost gave up..

But Then I Discovered Something That Changed Everything…

One day, I recalled a corporate client who had experienced significant changes in his personal relationship by implementing some of the techniques I had taught.

Setting aside my ego, I mustered the courage to reach out to him.

During a two-hour tearful conversation, I felt as though the key to reclaiming my wife's heart had been dropped right into my lap.

In hindsight, I felt foolish for having overlooked my own teachings and methods as a behavioural expert, simply because I was too entrenched in my own situation to see the bigger picture.

The formula to salvage my marriage had been hiding in plain sight all along!

That was my “A-HA!” moment.

I immediately set to work, meticulously assembling each puzzle piece in the correct order, utilising methods that had already proven successful in rewiring negative emotions into positive ones.

And that’s EXACTLY what it took to win her back.

Over the following weeks, I diligently rebuilt trust, nurtured respect, and put an end to arguments.

Through these efforts, her past grievances were released, and we regained our connection and appreciation.

Now, our marriage is stronger than ever filled with love, passion, and happiness. And our family life was better than ever.

This was just the beginning.

Once I shared my results to clients who were also struggling in their relationships…

I had a near-constant stream to men reaching out to me, asking for my help, too…

Like Steve, Who Convinced His Wife to Move Back in 9 Months After Leaving The House

When I met Steve, he was already living apart from his wife for the past 9 months.

Let me tell you, that’s a long time to be apart. Anything could happen and she could’ve moved on.

But Steve didn’t lose hope. And he put in the work to implement the tips and techniques I gave him based on my “Relationship Rescue Formula”

And it paid off.

Steve’s wife, Julie, decided to move back in with him... saying that she could really see the changes and was willing to give it another shot.

The bottom line is...

The Relationship Recharge Formula is the Fastest and Most Proven Method for Winning Back Your Woman and Repairing Your Relationship – FOR GOOD

Just think about it…

If I gave you a personalised step-by-step blueprint that shows you how to make proven moves to repair your relationship WITHOUT resorting to guesswork and manipulation, would you take it?

Of course, who wouldn’t?

If you had the experience of someone like me who’s helped over a hundred Aussie men – many of them days away from divorce hearings – revive their marriages, would you be more confident in winning back your wife?

You bet it would!

And if there was nothing standing between you and regaining the life and family you’ve built for years with your partner, would you take a chance on it?

Hell yes, you would!

My “Relationship Rescue Formula” helps you do exactly that.

So, What Makes the Relationship Recharge Formula Different from Every Other Therapy Out There?

First, let me talk about why traditional therapy A.K.A. ‘talk therapy’ is so ineffective.

That’s because it was designed primarily for women and their emotional brains. It was meant to help them talk about their problems and feelings.

As you’ve probably experienced by now, this backwards approach doesn’t actually solve anything. It just keeps couples on an endless loop of blaming and rehashing old wounds.

More importantly, it just doesn’t work for men’s logical brains.

The simple fact is that we are biologically hard-wired differently from women.

Men need a forward-moving, logical approach that guides them in a clear direction to making the right moves in the right order to bring her back sooner.

That’s exactly what the Relationship Recharge Formula is.

It’s a transformative method that removes old negative feelings and thoughts about you from your wife or partner’s mind… and replace them with positive thoughts and feelings using the female's “Natural Love Hormone”.

See, here’s the thing:

All the relationship issues you see – the constant bickering, relentless criticism, lack of respect, lack of intimacy, and loss of trust – are all just symptoms of a SINGLE problem.

Here’s What’s REALLY Going On Between You and Your Partner

Here’s something that most therapists WON’T tell you:

All relationship issues are caused by an imbalance of emotional charges.

Think of it like this:

When you first met, your wife had an overwhelmingly positive charge in her mind. That’s why she had all these positive feelings over you – love, passion, excitement.

But if neglected, that positive charge erodes over time… to be replaced by a negative charge

And right now, there’s significantly more negative charge than positive charge in your relationship.

This has her feeling disconnected, distant, and emotionally drained.

She doesn’t feel and think you can give her the life she wants and deserves.

And that’s exactly why she's leaving or has already moved on from you and feels better off without you in her life.

Worse, the negative charge blocks her logical thinking and feelings towards you and prevents her from wanting to reconcile or come back to you.

This is EXACTLY why begging… showering her with gifts… or virtually everything you do woo her back will backfire – it’s like going against a brick wall!

But Now That You Know the Root Cause, It Becomes Surprisingly Easy to Fix Things

The solution is simple – just bring her positive charge back up!

And this is where the Relationship Recharge Formula comes in.

It assists in quickly recharging your partner’s Natural Love Hormone levels so the negative charge is quickly replaced by a positive emotional charge.

Once this happens, her perspective of you will change like magic.

Your wife will slowly trust you again…

You’ll be able to genuinely influence her future decisions towards the relationship… and what happens next… without any tricky or deceit.

The love and connection will come flowing back…

All It takes is to Follow the Proven Steps I Lay Out During Our FREE 20-Minute Relationship Rescue Session

Here’s How the Relationship Recharge Formula Will Work for You

First, let me be clear:

This isn’t about trickery, manipulation or sneaky tricks that only get temporary results in your relationship. It’s about tackling the Three Biggest Blockages stopping you from winning back your wife or partner. And using simple methods and strategies to remove these roadblocks and bring back the positive charge in that area.


We’ll begin by restoring her trust, even if it's been shattered by broken promises, years of neglect or infidelity. Your new and improved behaviour will also earn back the respect she’s been withholding. Your future will feel more certain and promising with you at the helm.


We’ll dive into the root causes of conflicts and criticism, addressing the 'real issues' that drive surface-level chaos. This will help in breaking free from the constant negative cycle of nagging and complaints. You’ll finally master the art of making her genuinely happy.


You'll discover the secrets of the female brain, how it works and how to effectively recharge her spark and desire back like it was when you first got together. You’ll be able to bring the passion and intimacy based on proven human behavioural practices.

As you can see, I’ve kept the whole process deliberately simple, so you don’t get overwhelmed and give up. No more winging it, going around in circles and begging her to come back.

Just three simple steps to win her back… save your family… and reinstate yourself as the ‘alpha man’ in her life.

Which is why my method has a 78% success rate with Aussie couples.

That means for every ten men I help, 8 of them successfully get back with their wives… stronger than ever! And as long as you’re willing to believe in yourself… and implement the formula… I’m confident you’ll be my next success story.

Let Me Show What’s Possible for YOU in The Next Few Weeks…

Imagine waking up in bed… and your partner smiles back at you.

The echoes of laughter and her giggles linger in the air.

Your home radiates warmth once again.

You see yourself engaging in conversations that flow effortlessly.

She hangs on to your every word and sets you free from the weight of past grievances.

You're now able to communicate with her better and there's less conflict.

You feel the solid ground beneath your feet as trust rebuilds itself a resilient bridge that spans the emotional distance of the past.

Intimacy has made a comeback and she's now wanting more sex.

There's more leadership in the family and your kids are happier… because they're now seeing a stronger man who's also happier.

And you're not just reconnected... but thriving together, rediscovering the joy that brought you together in the first place.

This Can Be YOUR Reality Much Sooner Than You Think!

  • As long as you’re willing to take personal ownership for your relationship problems…

  • As long as you’re agreeable to a collaborative solution rather than shifting the blame…

  • As long as you’re open to learning and applying transformative tools…

  • As long as you’re committed to turning challenges into opportunities…

  • And as long as you’re willing to invest time and effort to set your relationship back on track…

  • Then I’m 100% confident the Relationship Recharge Formula will work for you.

But The Clock is Ticking…

The #1 myth most people believe is this:

"Time apart will heal the relationship, she will see what she's missing and will want to come back."

And that won’t WORK.

Time alone will NOT heal your relationship or encourage her to come back at all.

It’s what you do in that time that will either push her further away or bring her closer to you.

That’s why it’s important that you act RIGHT NOW.

Every day of inactivity or sending her the wrong signals, closes the recovery window sooner.

This also leaves her vulnerable to being seduced by other men that prey on emotionally vulnerable woman. Potentially losing her to another man... forever.

Can you imagine seeing her walking arm-in-arm with someone else, looking lovingly into his eyes?

Or going to that holiday destination you promised her but didn’t, because you were working too hard?

Can you stand knowing your child or children are being brought up by another man under his roof?

I’m telling you – this is a painful way to spend the rest of your life!

So, do your future self a favour.

Draw the line in the sand and go take your family and woman back before the window closes for good

Don’t let pride or ego stop you from recovering your relationship and family.

Or the crippling belief that your situation is hopeless… just because she says “’it’s over” and has already left the house…

Schedule a FREE Relationship Rescue Session with me RIGHT NOW… and I’ll show how reviving even a critical relationship IS possible.

If Hundreds of Aussies in Worse Situations Than You Did It, SO CAN YOU

Because I’ve spent more than 5 years of research and testing trying to “figure this out” …

Which is safe to say that there isn’t anything left for you to figure out – I already did all the hard work for you.

No more guesswork… no more trying unproven tactics you read on the Internet and watch on YouTube that only risk pushing her away… or just giving you temporary results at best.

Everything you need to do is laid out in my Relationship Recharge Formula.

So book your FREE session today, and let’s get you started on the road to reconciliation and repair.

Here’s What You’ll Discover During Our FREE Relationship Rescue Call

  • The ‘hidden problems’ that’s causing your relationship to fail. Once I uncover them for you, you’ll finally have 100% clarity and know exactly what to fix.

  • The three biggest roadblocks that are keeping your partner away. Discover how to clear these roadblocks with simple strategies and methods I’ll go through in during the call.

  • A personalised step-by-step roadmap to deal with conflicts, regain her respect, and reignite her intimacy for you. It’s simple enough for ANY man to follow and see results.

  • How to make your relationship ‘bullet proof’ even if you had a history of broken promises, conflicts, or infidelity.

  • PLUS more methods, tips, and insights tailor-fit to YOUR situation.

And Before You Book a Session, I Want You To Know That There’s No Catch

I realise I’m giving away something potentially valuable and life-changing practically for free…

And you’re probably wondering why I’m doing this.

So there has to be a “catch”, right?

I know there are some websites out there that offer you something for free, then trick you into joining some program that charges you every month.

This isn’t one of them.

You’ll get everything we’ll discuss in the session – including the 3-step game plan – absolutely free. No strings attached.

This is my way of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you’ll like the free strategies so much that you’d need further help from me to repair your relationship much faster (especially if it’s days away from divorce).

And if this happens, great!

If not, no problem at all. You’ll still walk away with a better understanding of where you are and a plan to fix things. And I can sleep better knowing I helped a fellow man.

That’s a true win/win for me.

But with all that said, there is ONE last thing to keep in mind:


See, even though our initial session is FREE, I still give my 100% to it.

Naturally, my time and energy is limited. As much as I want to help every struggling man who wants to book a call with me, I can only attend to a limited number of them per month.

So, book that FREE session now before slots get filled up this month.

And take back the marriage… relationship… and family you know you deserve.

What have you got to lose?

Click the button below, book your FREE session, and I’ll talk to you soon!

Until then, hold strong, brother!

⚠️Please Note: We receive a high volume of bookings each week and have limited capacity for these free recovery session calls. If you’re committed to saving your relationship and would like to explore how we can support you, I encourage you to book while spots are available.

IMPORTANT: Our one-on-one approach allows us to work closely with each client, but it also means we have a limited monthly intake. This ensures quality and personalised support for each man, allowing us to maintain our high success rate.

If no booking slots are currently available, it means this month’s intake is full.

Please try again later or email us to inquire about openings for the following month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why your science-based recovery formula differs VS traditional couples therapy or hiring a marriage coach?

Hopefully you caught all this on our site. If not, here's a short snapshot:

Most couples talk-therapists and traditional marriage coaches, forces couples to focus in on past problems rather than forward moving steps of change.

It's a backwards approach, often keeping couples rehashing past problems and doing pointless loops for months and even

years on end.

This can work for some, but when you’re relationship is in crisis, this can be a devastating mistake...

The Relationship Recharge Formula gives men a powerful and unique forward-moving approach to quickly revive failing relationships faster and without guesswork or making things worse.

It's super effective and a it's own unique methodology aligns with how the female brain is wired emotionally and supports her to easily let go of past negative emotions and supports new positive emotions that are connected back to you,

[Powered by behaviour science and her natural hormones -watch our formula video for more on this].

It's simple as 'following the bouncing ball' and each step of the Relationship Recharge Formula builds upon the last, starting with foundational elements like trust and respect moving towards resolving conflicts and culminating in reigniting the intimacy and appreciative aspects of the relationship.

Book a call today and see if our formula can help you save your relationship.

My wife has given up or already left with another man -will this still work for me?

100% Yes! Our program is engineered for men to effortlessly rescue and revive their relationships, even without their partner's direct involvement...

Think of it as following a proven blueprint, meticulously designed to assemble the right components in the correct places at the right time.

We equip you with the essential knowledge, skills, tools, mindset and methods needed to level you up as a man, husband, leader and father. We then support you every step of the way to reach your ideal outcomes. We then track and measure your progress milstones, so we both know you are getting results as fast as possible.

Our goal is to not only help you save your relationship and keep your family together, BUT help you develop into a high value man that she would be crazy to leave. Making your relationship or marriage divorce proof for the future.

Why only work with men and not with couples?

The truth is, it's the man's role to lead the relationship, and just one person [YOU] can steer it in the right direction for reconciliation.

We're here for MEN, arming you with the knowledge, skills and tools to quickly recover and transform your marriage/ relationship, even without your woman's direct involvement.

Trust, respect and emotional safety is the bi-product of you leading this crusade.

Picture this: when your wife looks at you and says, "I love being with you again", that's the power of one person, you, making your relationship thrive.

Look, It's not about putting all the weight on your shoulders, mate, but more about empowering you to be the driving force [the leader] in your relationship's development.

Our approach involves understanding how she's wired, tapping into behavioural change science and following a proven formula to rescue and revive the relationship sooner.

It's about decoding the dynamics, learning/speaking her language, and implementing proven strategies backed by behavioural science. You'll be shocked at the compounding impact the small changes [the 1%s] will have in rekindling the passion and creating an unshakeable connection that'll Divorce Proof Your Relationship.

I was looking for face to face couples counselling - will this still work for me/us?

Since Covid, access to support online has increased and is now a normal way of life.

Our clients also prefer being able to get support on the phone or video calls from their home or in between travel.

Over time, I found that people are more relaxed and the effectiveness has increased from these styles of communications instead of driving into an office.

If you and your partner are fixed on couples therapy and not 100% sure on this...

I encourage you both to jump on the free call with me, see if we click and it seems like something that could help.

For now, just keep an open mind with this, you might just be glad that you did and you're not out of pocket trying :-)

I look forward to meeting you both on one our free calls here<<

Are you a religious organisation?

NO, we are not a religious organisation.

While we respect all beliefs, our approach revolves around science-backed strategies and proven actionable steps, focusing on what's within our control to create positive self and relational changes that quickly moves the needle.

Our aim is to empower individuals without imposing any specific religious or faith-based practices.

I am not your relationship guru

I don't claim to be or call myself a counsellor, therapist, or relationship coach/guru.

And if you're looking for my degrees or qualifications, you won't find them prominently displayed like all the other guru's trying to prove their competence.

Frankly, having those degrees doesn't automatically guarantee better results or that the person is any better.

Their results and consistant results [proven track record] is how anyone should measure ones competency and skillset.

Now, I'm not knocking them, and each to their own. I'm just not about using outdated methodologies and practises when there are more effective and direct ones.

Our approach? It's rooted and backed by behavioural change science, emotional gender intelligence and a forward moving approach that encompasses positive change.

If you're not open to new methods and all about traditional qualifications, I'm not your guy and best of luck to you both.

But if you want more than theory —a proven, science-backed method to rescue and revive your relationship faster with a 78% success ratio —then I'm the only one you need in your corner.

Curious if this could be the saviour for recovering your relationship?

Book your free relationship rescue call today, and let's map you out a plan to get her back sooner.

What kind of results can I expect from your recovery formula?

Maintaining a 78% success rate in preventing separations in the past is the result of our meticulous approach and our ethics. We analyse each relationship situation, selecting the best fit men whose cases align with our proven Relationship Recovery Formula and have the best chances possible of reviving.

'Results Before Revenue' is one of our top business values. Therefore, we're only committed to those men we can genuinely assist and don't take on cases that don't align with our methodology or core values.

Following the Relationship Recharge Formula, you can expect tangible results in your relationship dynamics within days of gaining access to the Formula or a private one on one call with me and applying the methods.

While individual results may vary depending on the relationship situation, many men report revived connections, improved communication, and a deeper bond with their partner through this structured approach.

This proven Relationship Recovery Formula, backed by behavioural science and tailored to sync with her emotional wiring, aims to create positive shifts quickly. From rebuilding trust and respect to resolving conflicts cycles and reigniting intimacy, this method is designed to lay the groundwork for a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Book your free relationship recovery call today and get a customised plan to save your relationship.

How does the free call work and what is the catch?

Let's cut all the bullsh!t and get straight to the point, shall we?

Why do we offer free 15 - 20 minute Relationship Recovery gameplan sessions...

It's really simple, Two Reasons...

1. We give first, before expecting to get.

This is one of our core principles in the program and it's how we operate in business.


2. Around 60% of the men we speak with in the private sessions, like the recovery plan and how the Formula works so much that they want and need our help to get their wife back and avoid divorce.

And if that’s you, great.

If that’s not you, no problem at all, you’ll still walk away with a better understanding of where you are, what you need to do to fix things and a plan that you can implement on your own.

But the only way to get the Relationship Recovery Plan is to book a call on the next page, choose a time and jump on the session with us.

Contact Us

Myself or My Friendly Team Will Get Back To You Shortly

Book an Appointment

Request Your Free Relationship Assessment Session Today

Contact Us

  • Office

131 Denham St, Townsville City

QLD, 4810 Australia

Also ONLINE via Telehealth

  • Email

  • Office Phone

(07) 3067 0900

  • Operating Hours

Mon-Fri 9:00am-04:00pm

Sat 9:00am-1:00pm


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Results may vary for each induvial and there is no guaranteed results after consuming information provided by Relationship Rescue For Men