What is the “Relationship Recharge Formula”, You might be asking...?
It’s a science-backed behavioural change method that gives men a powerful and unique forward-moving tactical approach to quickly rescue and revive failing relationships faster, without the guesswork or making things worse...
Even if...
you're the only one trying and she's given up
there's been an affair and all trust is lost
past attempts in talk-therapy have all failed
all hope seems lost
I've even seen this formula work for men already separated, living under separate roofs, regardless if she's already with another man!
And while the steps are simple enough for any man to follow, you don't need to spend countless of hours in 'talk-therapy', just talking about your past probems- going around in circles.
IN FACT, I'm going to blow the whole lid off the dark side of Traditional Couples Counselling lies, what they will NEVER TELL YOU and why.
'Traditional Couples Talk-therapy' is proven to:
[*Acording to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Divorces Australia (Catalogue No. 3307.0, 3307.0.55.001)]
But first, you need to understand, when the woman you love starts putting some distance between you, it’s not just a rough patch, mate...
The icy silence, chilling stares, constant arguments - Are All Red Flags of a 'Separation Bomb About To Detonate'!
Shared dreams you once had fade into the background. The vision of a life without her tears your heart.
It gets worse if children are involved.
They pretend everything’s fine.
But you see the despair in their innocent eyes,
their little hearts bear the scars of a once happy home.
You notice their playful sparkle is now extinguished,
suffocated by the fear and uncertainty of what now lies ahead.
You notice they've become more and more withdrawn lately.
You're sure they're secretly blaming themselves for what is happening.
And, it doesn’t stop there...
You can sense the whispers among family and friends.
The normal gatherings are no longer the same with sideways glances, unspoken judgement - it all deepens the pain.
The question is no longer just about putting your relationship back on track.
It’s Now About Saving Your Family And
Reclaiming a Life That Once Held Promise.
It’s Now About Saving Your Family And Reclaiming a Life That Once Held Promise.
If you can sense the woman you adore slipping through your fingers it’s now time to Wake up, Wise up and Take Control before your world crumbles.
The Scary Truth is…
When most Men receive the tap on the shoulder, it's likely she's pre-planned her exit strategy months in advanced and has just been waiting for the right time to drop the grenade.
Is the most common saying I hear
Is the common saying I hear
Some see the signs earlier but most fail to turn the ship around before it hits the rocks.
And they're never just rocks.. Mostly tips of Massive Boulders submerged below the naked eye...
It has nothing to do with IQ, Even the most intelligent men manage to miss the signs as well.
Resulting in the leading cause of...
Why Most Married Men End Up Divorced
And Alone In The First 5 Years Of Marriage
Why Most Married Men
End Up Divorced And Alone
In The First 7 Years Or Marriage
What she desires, what sets her heart ablaze - these are often messages masked in innocent remarks most men struggle to uncover.
What you might think is the right move, a loving gesture, could completely misfire.
It's like trying to unlock a safe at night without the right combination.
You're left fumbling in the dark, thinking you're making progress.
When, in reality you're probably pushing her further away faster.
You believe you're expressing love and understanding, but the translation on her end is completely off.
Giving her what she truly craves becomes an impossible task...
...because it's likely the playbook you're working from is outdated.
It's also missing crucial pages and you're left making up the rest
you realise it's not your playbook you're working from...
...but you're parents and the same problems cycle once again repeating.
So, you do everything you feel is right, trying to bring her back.
You try starting up a conversation and it's met with dead silence.
You attempt to cuddle her in a loving embrace, she just brushes it away.
You surprise her with a thoughtful gift…she declines saying...
"you shouldn’t have wasted your money!"
You've even stepped it up with more responsibility around the home, but it all goes unappreciated or met with criticism...
And there’s always some stupid reason for her to start an argument.
Eventually, it escalates to the point where you're left sleeping on the couch AGAIN
thinking nothing is getting better.
You're left bewildered, wondering how your sincere efforts could backfire so spectacularly... Again!
No matter how hard you work to provide for the family and to try and make her happy, you're met with constant...
and Disrespect.
No matter how hard you work to provide for the family and to try and make her happy...
you're met with constant Complaints,
and Disrespect.
You feel like a failure...
...as a Husband,
a Father
and the Leader Of The House.
A feeling of hopelessness begins to take-over your mind.
You feel frustrated and angry wondering why you can’t do anything right to make her happy anymore.
Eventually you stop trying,
afraid you might say or do something that makes the situation worse...
by working longer hours away from home
with 'relaxing' after work in TV or Netflix shows
or hiding out more in the yard or 'shed work'
by consuming more alcohol or drugs
with mindlessly scrolling on socials for hours
by more requent punts on betting apps
with porn and it's now become you're go-to
or that harmless flirting has now crossed the line
You feel sad, helpless and frustrated as she's also seems more checked out from you and you notice….
She's acting like a different woman now
Possibly going through some Midlife Crisis?
She's spending more time out of the house and with her friends
Often in another room watching TV alone
Secretly spending more time on her phone.
You’re terrified she may even be seeing someone, without you knowing.
You dread your biggest fear…
Being left, abandoned and another man swooping in while she's vulnerable.
And the thought of another main raising your kids drives you wild.
If that’s what you’re feeling…
And with every moment, the clock is ticking
Every mistake inches you closer to the point of no return
You can't afford to gamble with trial-and-error anymore
What you need is a Roadmap to untangle the maze of the female mind.
A guide that not only sidesteps the landmines but actively steers you towards rebuilding a stronger foundation the connection she craves.
Tap the button below and book a free custom Relationship Rescue planning session now.
Well, maybe if you're a woman!
History has it, Traditional Relationship Therapy, AKA, Talk-therapy was first developed over 100+ years ago for Women's Emotional Brains.
Purposely to help them'talk about their problems'.
And if you've ever had any traditional talk-therapy, you would know...
...just talking about your feelings...
...Doesn't Work For Men's Logical Brains.
The simple fact is that we are biologically hard-wired differently from women.
That's why...
Men need a forward-moving tactical approach that guides them in a clear direction to making the right moves in the right order to bring her back sooner.
Men need a forward-moving
tactical approach that guides them in a clear direction
to making the right moves
in the right order
to bring her back sooner.
With most Couples Therapies, you’re forced to focus on past problems, rather than forward-moving steps towards change.
It’s A Backward Approach, often keeping couples rehashing past problems and doing pointless loops…
...until your therapist looks at the clock on the wall and finishes the session.
‘’Okay, time’s up!
See you both next week for another round of ...“examination.”
You leave the session with open wounds,
forced to dodge each other until the next serving of 'advice'.
It’s like going into an Emergency Room every second week with a haemorrhage,
hoping to stop the bleeding,
while medical practitioners are more interested in just examining it and asking you 'how it feels'.
This can work for some.
but when you’re bleeding out fast, you need more than just advice.
Now thanks to studies in Human Behaviour Science, specifically towards the female brain and how they’re wired differently in long-term relationships…
you can follow a step-by-step Formula for preventing total separation
bringing back the woman who fell in love with you in weeks, not months.
Without chasing her, begging her or losing respect or your dignity…
She’s already left the House
Said, “There’s No Chance In Hell I’m Coming Back!”
Or Is already seeing someone else.
And... It’s what you’ll uncover in the
For Committed Men To Quickly Recover Their Broken Relationships, Even If They're The Only Ones Trying
For Committed Men To
Quickly Recover Their Broken Relationships, Even If They're The Only One Trying
G'day, my name is Leon Sheed,
I’m the founder of Relationship Rescue For Men and over the years I have been helping men prevent separation, get their partners back and keep their families together without drawn-out traditional therapy methods.
Before I developed my formula, I was deeply immersed in Human Behaviour science and Emotional Intelligence EI. My initial focus was on helping business owners and employees transform their communications and relationship skills in the workforce.
To everyone who knew me, I was the typical hard-working aussie husband, driven to build my business empire for the sake of my beloved wife and three children.
However, behind closed doors, I harboured a deep and dark secret...
...my relationship was falling apart.
Then one evening, my wife confronted me in the kitchen, confessing that she no longer loved me and needing time and space apart to contemplate our future.
I was devastated, fearing that I would lose the love of my life, sell our home, and see another man raise my kids!
It all clicked into place.
Shifting her perception of me from the past to the present, and to evoke in her the same love and hope that we once shared when we began.
Constant Bickering: Frequent blowups about petty things with no solutions in sight
Relentless Criticism: Nothing you do seems to meet her standards and is just another disappointment
Lack of Respect: Her behaviour towards you is often disrespectful, insulting and negative
Trust Gap: She’s lost confidence in your leadership as her man of the house
Intimacy Vacuum: She rarely reaches out for a cuddle and sex is a distant memory
Confusion and Uncertainty: She doesn’t know what she wants and what to fix to make her happy again.
It's what makes the...
Relationship Recharge Formula
Unlike Anything You'll Ever Find
Relationship Recharge Formula
Unlike Anything You'll Ever Find
LACK OF TRUST & RESPECT: We’ll begin by restoring her trust, even if it's been shattered by broken promises, years of neglect or infidelity.
CONSTANT CONFLICT & CRITICISM: Next, we’ll dive into the root causes of conflicts and criticism, addressing the 'real issues' that drive surface-level chaos.
ZERO SEX & APPRECIATION: Finally, we’ll work to reignite and spark her desire for you.
You'll discover the secrets of the female brain, how it works and how to effectively recharge her spark and desire back like it was when you first got together.
Based on proven human behavioural practices and the natural Relationship Recovery Cycle to bring back the passion.
This step guarantees a rekindled connection just like the early days of your relationship.
And the results?
As you can see, The Relationship Recharge Formula works even if she's already left and living with another man.
Now, it's important for you to know...
Can’t Seem To Make Her Happy Anymore Or Get Anything Right
The Constant Bickering, Criticism and Nagging Never Stops
Frequent Fighting Or Stonewalling For Days on End
Lack Of Respect And Appreciation
Sex Is Just a Distant Memory or pretty much non-existent anymore
Plus throw in whatever else you’re both facing right now…
…are just surface-level symptoms of what’s not getting fixed from a deeper core level.
That’s right, they are all just symptoms of the real problem that’s not getting fixed.
So the cycle keeps repeating until…
BANG - “I’m done, we’re through - I'm just not in love with you anymore”!
the way she feels about you and how she sees you in her future needs to change.
When you are guided by the Relationship Recharge Formula in your interactions, her negative emotions will be quickly replaced with positive ones.
It’s what you do in that time that will
either push her further away or bring her closer to you.
Hit the button below and book your Relationship Rescue Session now.
Unwilling to take personal ownership for your relationship problems
Accustomed to shift blame solely onto your wife or partner
Seeking a press-button magic solution
Stuck in complaint mode and aren’t committed to taking action
Convinced you know everything
Unwilling to invest time and effort to achieve results
Willing to take personal ownership for your relationship problems
Agreeable to a collaborative solution rather than shifting the blame
Open to learning and applying transformative tools
Committed to turning challenges into opportunities
Willing to invest time and effort to set your relationship back on track
Recognise the importance of active personal involvement in the process
Hit the button below now and book your Relationship Recovery gameplan session to see if this is right for you.
Step#1: ANALYSE your current situation and identify the 'real problems' that's driving separation or what's keeping her from coming back to you [what you're not seeing & what she really needs but not saying].
Step#2: IDENTIFY what's really possible for you, her and the relationship in the next 90 days and beyond [no more guesswork, doing circles or pushing her further away with the wrong things].
Step#3: DEVELOP a customised 3-Step Relationship Recovery gameplan to restoring trust and respect, moving towards resolving conflicts and to reignite passion and intimacy sooner [just 'follow the bouncing ball' and stick to the formula that's proven to work].
Now that you know you really can recover your relationship and prevent divorce…
…without talk-therapy and without it taking years…
You’re now at a fork in the road, two paths you can go down.
But that will ultimately lead you to two VASTLY different destinations.
Continue kicking that can down the road you're on.
Being okay knowing what you're doing isn't working...
...and it's likely driving her further away faster.
Or killing any chances of her wanting to come back to rekindle things.
Knowing your children are watching and modelling your every move.
And the cycle is likely to repeat in their own relationships unconsciously.
Slowly dying inside with guilt, shame, fear knowing...
...that it's only a matter of time until she gone for good and you're left all alone.
Then there's...
Start making the right moves in the right order that stops divorce fast
and has her coming back to you sooner with more love and appreciation.
She's now able to let-go of past resentment and she respects you more.
You're now able to communicate with her better and there's less conflict.
Intimacy has made a come back and she's now wanting more sex.
There's more leadership in the family and your kids are happier...
....because they're now seeing a stronger man who's also happier.
I hope this information has empowered you to make a smart decision for your relationship and family.
And remember,...
You really can save your marriage, and you can do it even if your spouse has given up, left, had an affair or claims there is no hope and is telling you should quit trying. Book Your Private Recovery Call Below Now.
Below Are Some Of The Common Questions We Get:
Hopefully you caught all this on our site. If not, here's a short snapshot:
Most couples talk-therapists and traditional marriage coaches, forces couples to focus in on past problems rather than forward moving steps of change.
It's a backwards approach, often keeping couples rehashing past problems and doing pointless loops for months and even years on end.
This can work for some, but when you’re relationship is in crisis, this can be a devastating mistake...
The Relationship Recharge Formula gives men a powerful and unique forward-moving approach to quickly revive failing relationships faster and without guesswork or making things worse.
It's super effective and a it's own unique methodology aligns with how the female brain is wired emotionally and supports her to easily let go of past negative emotions and supports new positive emotions that are connected back to you,
[Powered by behaviour science and her natural hormones -watch our formula video for more on this].
It's simple as 'following the bouncing ball' and each step of the Relationship Recharge Formula builds upon the last, starting with foundational elements like trust and respect moving towards resolving conflicts and culminating in reigniting the intimacy and appreciative aspects of the relationship.
Book a call today and see if our formula can help you save your relationship.
100% Yes! Our program is engineered for men to effortlessly rescue and revive their relationships, even without their partner's direct involvement...
Think of it as following a proven blueprint, meticulously designed to assemble the right components in the correct places at the right time.
We equip you with the essential knowledge, skills, tools, mindset and methods needed to level you up as a man, husband, leader and father. We then support you every step of the way to reach your ideal outcomes. We then track and measure your progress milstones, so we both know you are getting results as fast as possible.
Our goal is to not only help you save your relationship and keep your family together, BUT help you develop into a high value man that she would be crazy to leave. Making your relationship or marriage divorce proof for the future.
The truth is, it's the man's role to lead the relationship, and just one person [YOU] can steer it in the right direction for reconciliation.
We're here for MEN, arming you with the knowledge, skills and tools to quickly recover and transform your marriage/ relationship, even without your woman's direct involvement.
Trust, respect and emotional safety is the bi-product of you leading this crusade.
Picture this: when your wife looks at you and says, "I love being with you again", that's the power of one person, you, making your relationship thrive.
Look, It's not about putting all the weight on your shoulders, mate, but more about empowering you to be the driving force [the leader] in your relationship's development.
Our approach involves understanding how she's wired, tapping into behavioural change science and following a proven formula to rescue and revive the relationship sooner.
It's about decoding the dynamics, learning/speaking her language, and implementing proven strategies backed by behavioural science. You'll be shocked at the compounding impact the small changes [the 1%s] will have in rekindling the passion and creating an unshakeable connection that'll Divorce Proof Your Relationship.
Since Covid, access to support online has increased and is now a normal way of life.
Our clients also prefer being able to get support on the phone or video calls from their home or in between travel.
Over time, I found that people are more relaxed and the effectiveness has increased from these styles of communications instead of driving into an office.
If you and your partner are fixed on couples therapy and not 100% sure on this...
I encourage you both to jump on the free call with me, see if we click and it seems like something that could help.
For now, just keep an open mind with this, you might just be glad that you did and you're not out of pocket trying :-)
I look forward to meeting you both on one our free calls here<<
NO, we are not a religious organisation.
While we respect all beliefs, our approach revolves around science-backed strategies and proven actionable steps, focusing on what's within our control to create positive self and relational changes that quickly moves the needle.
Our aim is to empower individuals without imposing any specific religious or faith-based practices.
I don't claim to be or call myself a counsellor, therapist, or relationship coach/guru.
And if you're looking for my degrees or qualifications, you won't find them prominently displayed like all the other guru's trying to prove their competence.
Frankly, having those degrees doesn't automatically guarantee better results or that the person is any better.
Their results and consistant results [proven track record] is how anyone should measure ones competency and skillset.
Now, I'm not knocking them, and each to their own. I'm just not about using outdated methodologies and practises when there are more effective and direct ones.
Our approach? It's rooted and backed by behavioural change science, emotional gender intelligence and a forward moving approach that encompasses positive change.
If you're not open to new methods and all about traditional qualifications, I'm not your guy and best of luck to you both.
But if you want more than theory —a proven, science-backed method to rescue and revive your relationship faster with a 78% success ratio —then I'm the only one you need in your corner.
Curious if this could be the saviour for recovering your relationship?
Book your free relationship rescue call today, and let's map you out a plan to get her back sooner.
Maintaining a 78% success rate in preventing separations in the past is the result of our meticulous approach and our ethics. We analyse each relationship situation, selecting the best fit men whose cases align with our proven Relationship Recovery Formula and have the best chances possible of reviving.
'Results Before Revenue' is one of our top business values. Therefore, we're only committed to those men we can genuinely assist and don't take on cases that don't align with our methodology or core values.
Following the Relationship Recharge Formula, you can expect tangible results in your relationship dynamics within days of gaining access to the Formula or a private one on one call with me and applying the methods.
While individual results may vary depending on the relationship situation, many men report revived connections, improved communication, and a deeper bond with their partner through this structured approach.
This proven Relationship Recovery Formula, backed by behavioural science and tailored to sync with her emotional wiring, aims to create positive shifts quickly. From rebuilding trust and respect to resolving conflicts cycles and reigniting intimacy, this method is designed to lay the groundwork for a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.
Book your free relationship recovery call today and get a customised plan to save your relationship.
Let's cut all the bullsh!t and get straight to the point, shall we?
Why do we offer free 15 - 20 minute Relationship Recovery gameplan sessions...
It's really simple, Two Reasons...
1. We give first, before expecting to get.
This is one of our core principles in the program and it's how we operate in business.
2. Around 60% of the men we speak with in the private sessions, like the recovery plan and how the Formula works so much that they want and need our help to get their wife back and avoid divorce.
And if that’s you, great.
If that’s not you, no problem at all, you’ll still walk away with a better understanding of where you are, what you need to do to fix things and a plan that you can implement on your own.
But the only way to get the Relationship Recovery Plan is to book a call on the next page, choose a time and jump on the session with us.
Request Your Free Relationship Assessment Session Today
Contact Us
131 Denham St, Townsville City
QLD, 4818 Australia
Also 100% ONLINE via Telehealth
Office Phone
(07) 3067 0900
Operating Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00am-04:00pm
Sat 9:00am-1:00pm
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Results may vary for each induvial and there is no guaranteed results after consuming information provided by Relationship Rescue For Men.